The holidays are a busy time of year. They are filled with family, friends, and good food. There is shopping, cooking, and a lot of running around. But once the holiday season concludes, people tend to feel blue and get the post-holiday blues. It can be tricky to get back into your routine after two weeks without a routine. The good news is that rediscovering you’re Zen and getting back into your routine is possible
The Holidays are a Busy Time of the Year
When you’re a busy professional, it can be easy to forget that life goes on after the holidays. You might be cooking and eating more than usual or spending more time in front of the TV than ever before, but when all is said and done, there are still going to be some things that need doing, and not just at home.
After all, even if someone has given up their apartment for a month so that you can have their own space where nothing needs doing but sleeping (or something along those lines), they will come back home eventually! Or maybe not? Maybe they never would have left in the first place if your house wasn’t so nice; maybe they’re happy staying with friends or family members who never seem like much fun anyway…
They are filled with Family, Friends, and Good Food
The holidays are a time to be with family, friends, and good food.
It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season, but it can be beneficial to take some time to reflect on what you have learned since the last time you were here.
There is Shopping, Cooking, and a lot of Running Around
There is shopping, cooking, and a lot of running around. You might have a party to attend or you may need to go on vacation with your family. The holidays are also known for their traditions, which can be fun but can also be stressful if you don’t know what they are.
The best way to avoid this stress is by setting aside some time before Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve so that you can prepare your holiday meals instead of buying them at the store! But once the holiday season concludes, people tend to feel blue and get the post-holiday blues.
The holiday season is often a time of great joy for most people, but there’s one thing that many people struggle with after the holidays: a lack of routine. It can be hard to get back into your normal routine once the fun has ended and you’re left with nothing but work and responsibilities.
But there are ways to get past this feeling of loss and recapture your sense of balance again!

It can be Tricky to get back into your Routine after Two Weeks Without a Routine
After the holidays, it can be tricky to get back into your routine. Here are some tips:
- Sleep in – This may sound obvious, but if you’ve been partying hard for the past few weeks and have been up late every night (or even every night), getting enough sleep is important to avoid feeling tired or irritable.
- Get back into your regular workout routine – If you haven’t worked out during your break, now’s the time! Go for a walk around the block or run through an obstacle course at home; anything that gets your heart rate up will help increase blood flow in the body and keep it healthy while also making sure all those muscles get used again before they need relaxing after being used so much during this time of year.*
The Good News is that Rediscovering you’re Zen and Getting back into your Routine is Possible
The good news is that rediscovering you’re Zen and getting back into your routine is possible. It all starts by finding a way to keep yourself busy so that you don’t go too long without doing something enjoyable.
Here are some ideas:
- Yoga, meditation, or exercise can help you find your Zen at the moment. You can also do yoga at home by simply taking a few minutes out of your day to practice daily. If this isn’t an option for whatever reason (maybe the weather isn’t cooperative), there are plenty of other ways to stay active while still maintaining balance and quietness within yourself! One way is through bubble baths they’re great because they’re both relaxing and invigorating at once!
It’s true that when you’re in an ashram and surrounded by people whose lives are dedicated to discovering the meaning of life and being happy, it’s easy for you to forget that there is a world outside of them and even if there weren’t any other people around, you’d still be able to learn some kind of lessons about how best to live your own life through their example (which is why we recommend going on retreats). But once you get back into your routine after spending time away from work or school or whatever else has been keeping you busy while we were gone well let’s just say that sometimes things start looking up again pretty quickly! And as soon as they do start looking up again, try not to give yourself too much credit!
Getting back into a routine after the holidays can indeed be difficult. But it doesn’t have to be! You don’t need an ashram or a Zen retreat to find your Zen again. You can do it from home on the couch and you don’t even have to burn incense or meditate for hours before doing anything else. It’s not about buying fancy equipment or going out for expensive meals; it’s about taking control of your life, which means taking responsibility for yourself and making wise choices about what makes sense for you at this moment.